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The National Field Archery Association's Podcast

Jun 11, 2019

in this Episode, Rod recaps a fun night of bowfishing in Southwest Michigan with two new friends, Harvey Hood and John Blazys.  They discuss everything from the bows to the boat they were using and how to get started in bowfishing.  Bowfishing is not an expensive sport and doesn't require a boat.  It can be done in just...

Jan 4, 2019

This week on NFAA Talks with Rod White, he had the chance to sit down with Demetrio and Maria Mascarenas. The Mascarenas have been in the archery scene about two and half years, and made fast friends through their love of tournaments. Field, 3-D, and Indoor- they've done it all. While Demetrio picks the compound,...

Nov 24, 2018

This final Episode concludes the season wrap up for the 30 Days of Rut podcast series!  Some last minute tips are included and thoughts about things to be thinking about for next season.  Thank you all for following, sharing all of the episodes, and for sharing your successes as a result of this short series!  Good luck...

Nov 24, 2018

In this Episode I walk you through the last few days of Rut behavior, public land and private land thoughts, brief info about camera use this time of year and more.  Big bucks will fall in the next few days, be one of the hunters who puts a tag on one!!!

Nov 21, 2018

This episode of the "30 Days of Rut!" podcast contains some very valuable information that is vital for year to year success on targeting and hunting specific bucks.  I cover gun season issues, scouting, cataloguing, and other key issues and tasks that you should be keeping up with as we move through the post...